Building Management Services

We keep your factory/ office /showrooms alive and healthy 24X7.

 wonder how?

Call 0112 940 900

24X7 services | free consultancy

Biscon BMS involves the systematic inspection of equipment and the Buildings where potential problems are detected and corrected in order to prevent failure before it happens. In practice, a preventive maintenance schedule may include things such as cleaning, inspection, servicing, lubrication, oil changes, adjustments, repairs, inspecting and replacing parts, and partial or complete overhauls that are regularly scheduled.

This includes scheduling and overseeing all maintenance-related work by a team of maintenance technicians and supervisors ensuring that all maintenance operations are done in accordance with company policy and OSHA guidelines. Managing budget forecasts and price negotiations for spare parts. Inventory development and implementation of proactive maintenance strategies. Coordination and completion of complex repairs.

Biscon BMS Keeps your office space beautiful and comfortable, and protect from cosmetic or structural imperfections.


Reduced Costs

Increased Appearance

Less Hassle


011 2 940 900 | 070 67 68 666